Upcoming Events
Here’s a list of QuIC’s upcoming events. Most events occur in or around Frick Chemistry on Princeton University’s campus.
Monthly QuIC Lunches
Every month, we’ll hold a catered lunch event to bring together the members of QuIC and foster a sense of community. Everyone is welcome! There won’t be any agenda other than enjoying free food and making new friends. The times and locations of these lunches will be announced about one week prior to the event via the QuIC email list, so make sure to sign up for our emails!
Seminar with Prof. Jörg Enderlein
In the fall of 2023, we are eager to welcome Prof. Jörg Enderlein from Georg August University in Göttingen for a departmental research seminar and a discussion about being openly queer and a leading figure in academia. Prof. Enderlein’s lab researches the fundamentals and applications of single-molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution microscopy. The date of Prof. Enderlein’s visit is still being determined but will be communicated in due course.
Seminar with Prof. Polly Arnold
In the spring of 2024, we have the privilege of hosting Prof. Polly Arnold from the University of California, Berkeley for a visit similar to Prof. Enderlein’s. Prof. Arnold’s research concerns the chemistry of f-block elements, from their organometallic reactivity to their unique electronic structures. We will announce the date of Prof. Arnold’s talk sometime in the fall of 2023.
Previous Events
QuIC’s Academic Year Kickoff Dinner
To kick off the upcoming academic year and welcome the new grad students, QuIC will be hosting a dinner event on Tuesday, August 23, 6-7:30 pm in Frick 124. Everyone is invited! Please RSVP using this form, and please invite any new members of your lab who may be interested in attending.
Our dinner will be catered by Olives, so please come hungry. We’ll also be playing bar-style LGBTQIA+-themed trivia after dinner for a fun group activity and to test our knowledge of all things queer.
Elections / Kick-Off Monthly Lunch Event
Throughout the 2022-2023 academic year, QuIC will be hosting monthly catered lunches for our members. At our first of these lunch events, we’ll have elections for all the officer positions. Subsequent lunch events will just be social, perhaps with some games available.